
Server ON: Game in FLYING COLORS! - Lady Gagita of Tantra FR

Quote from: Lady Gagita on Yesterday at 21:23:47

"We, the team are just doing our best to fix all the problems in this server. We apologize for the inconvenience  caused by the former GM Sorceress. As we said, we can't ON the server at this time because we're still solving 1 last problem. We guarantee to all players that the time we ON our server will not gonna crash again and again. We advice to all players to use English Language when posting here in forums.

Let me tell you this, we are not concealing anything nor acquire secrecy from the players. We, as forum moderators, are just doing our job -- to moderate you all from posting such insulting words. And yes, if you're asking if the words you have spoken from your mouth is insulting. Insulting in terms of the delivery of your words, it gives massive pressure to the developers. Don't act like you're commanding us to make it fix like it's just a wink of an eye. We are not MAGICIANS nor WIZARDS. And finally, don't act too much education. Good luck, and let's just wait for the game in flying colors :)

As what your previous post said. You smell rat right? So that means you're thinking us of secrecy. Why not tell it directly to the developers? And you know what, your quotes is very far from the idea. It just don't help to dis-mute your forum account. Other players there speak Tagalog, but you know what, they are the nicest person to communicate. Their patience are like Mississippi and they are the ones whose hearts are willing to wait just for the restoration of the game. People like you who were so very expressive, and also speaks very IMPRESSIVE are the ones who were arrogant and proud.

Again, we are just doing our job. You don't need to educate us because you haven't prove anything yet. We are hired here because the admin itself sees our respect for them and how we handle things that are made to be handled."

Wait for the Game in FLYING COLORS? Yeah right, all I can see is Kala in mandara sorrounded by Duped-Edited-Vending-Noobs and "ZEIN RING STILL EXIST?" WOW! I am impressed.

Try to be someone and stand up for what you really think or say, Lady Gagita. You’re sooooo cute. Why don't you go, get outisde, play hide and go FUCK yourself. Just play with your make-up set, you poor little nancy boy.

I am now convinced, without any doubt whatsoever, that Lady Gagita is a pompous, pseudo-intellectual pussified dickhead with the hole in his ass is bigger than his brain.

You can Ban my Forum Account. Ban my IP? Show me what you've got Lady Gagita, the All knowing, all-powerful, all-perfect, all-wise, and has proven everything somehow just can’t handle money! I don't think so.

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